Bus to London - 2021

Are you planning your next year's travel - here is something to consider: In 1957, Oswald-Joseph-Garrow-Fisher, drove his own bus Indiaman on a round trip journey from London to Calcutta. The bus departed from London on April 15, 1957 with 20 passengers on board and returned back to London on August 2, 1957 (Tickets cost £85 for one way and £65 for the round trip). It travelled through France, Italy, Yugoslovia, Bulgaria, Turkey, Iran, and Pakistan. If you want to embark on a similar cross-continental road trip, Adventures Overland is organizing a 70days bus journey through 18 countries covering 20,000kms from India to London. The journey will begin on May 2021. The cost per person is INR 15 lacs which includes all travel and overnight stay arrangements, meals, visa fees, permits, and much more. Only 20 seats are available for the journey.